The second day of PyCon Australia is just wrapping up. Below are my notes from the talks I attended.
Tennessee Leeuwenberg’s keynote
- transparency is needed to build managers’ and customers’ trust in our development work
- IPython Notebook is a tool to be more transparent, by demonstrating code in action and producing visualisations [if your customers/stakeholders are scientists?]
Chris and Sandra Boesch: making Python fun
- SingPath is an interactive programming tutorial system
- badges, competition, and back-story help make it more fun and increase motivation
- in a single class, some students will struggle to keep up and others will find it too easy
- selectable difficulty helps with that
- tournaments: the class competes with each other, advanced students finish first and then help others
- working on pair programming tournaments
Kenneth Reitz: open source
- “public source”: no serious attempt at building a community, just throwing some code over the fence with an open source license
- Gittip is the polar opposite: “open source company”, extreme transparency
- requests is a “dictatorship project” with only one decision-maker
- contributors and maintainers need to be cordial and respectful of each other
- maintainers need to ignore non-constructive feedback, and encourage useful contributions
- saying “no” to feature bloat is difficult but necessary
- simple good, complex bad
David Kent: water forecasting
- WAFARi is an internal BOM tool to forecast monthly water stream flow, written in Python
- code exposed in IPython to make it easy for scientists to explore and examine the data
- matplotlib for many different visualisations
- water modelling code is written in FORTRAN and R, calling into it from Python is easy
- Hydrological Reference Stations service provides historical data about water stream flow
- pandas makes it easy to work with time series data
Dylan Lacey: web testing
- acceptance testing (testing from the user’s point of view) is important
- Splinter is a Python library abstracting browser automation tools
- don’t use CSS selectors or XPath for finding elements [this seems like an unhelpful over-simplification]
- don’t use negative assertions because of the wait delay
Luke Miller’s big gay adventure
- pyvida makes it simple to write point-and-click adventure games
Adam Forsyth: Stack Overflow
- contributing to Stack Overflow is like working on open-source software
- the tag pages use WebSockets to update new questions live
- contributing can help you learn to answer questions better and communicate better in real life